Patch Pillows

A GDC & Agogo coproduction

Information Details
Length: 78 x 7'
Target: 3-5 year olds
Languages: EN
Territories Worldwide
Deliverable SD

Story Outline:
This charming series is about a group of patchwork pillows and their many friends. Living in their colourful home of Patch Valley, they spend their days searching for adventure and having fun. The Pillows are stitched together with different fabrics, making them all mix and match! There's daring round-shaped Sunny, energetic triangle Annie, the creative (and ever-giggly) hexagon-shaped Penny, and square, glum Manny, who always expects it to rain, although it never does. And let's not forget their odd-shaped, sensible friend Think, who speaks Workle instead of words. Whenever the Pillows get into trouble, wise tailor Mr Fern is there to advise them and to tell them of life's many important lessons - he is both teacher and friend. Patch Pillows is thoroughly entertaining, interactive, educational, and most importantly of all - fun!

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